Quality Policy
We are committed to furnish superior quality products at economical price with schedule consistency. It is our endeavor to follow the principles of total quality management. For our pursuance of Total Quality Management system. The company has developed quality objectives and work plans for quality management. We follow stringent quality control norms by reviewing and monitoring each production processes.
Each product of our range is tested as per the internationally accepted standards using various test procedures. In addition, we also facilitate specific testing as per the client’s requirement. For quality control.
Quality Assurance :
Quality Assurance plans are prepared in accordance with specific requirements stated by the customer and respective ASTM specifications, Mandatary and supplimentary requirements are translated to special instructions and audits performed during manufacture and inspection. Inspection stages and check hold points are decided to carry out in process inspection and record important stages of inspection and tests.
Organization :
A separate Quality Assurance/Control Department functions under the control of management, independent of production. The Quality Assurance Department oversees all important quality functions and performs the following activities.
Material Control Sysrem :
This system controls the quality of all incoming material. The incoming material specifications are co-related with Raw Material test certificates of the material. The checks and test are documented. The material is given internal control No. and same is recorded for future reference.
Process Control System :
During forming, Forging and Heat treatment, process control system outlines inprocess checks and controls to be followed during heat treatment and testing. Forging and interim heat treatment in the process control reduces the chances of introduction of variables in the process.
Each lot of fittings as defined in ASTM specifications are subjected to heat treatment and testing. Testing is performed in accordance with specification requirements. Test data is evaluated by QA department and recorded in appropriate format, supplementary test like radiography, ultrasonic, corrosion testing etc. is done as per code guide lines.
Machining & Dimentional Control :
Suitable fixtures and templates are used to maintain diMansional accuracy. Necessary gauges and callipers are calibrated periodically to maintain their accuracy.
International Quality Standards:
Our products are manufactured in complete compliance with leading regulatory standards in the domestic and international segments such as the IS, ASTM/ANSI, BS, JIS and DIN standards. These certifications are reflection of our commitment of providing quality products to customers around the world.